
Starry Night, Sound and Light


The art show that’s been getting the most sustained buzz in Paris isn’t in a museum — it’s in an old foundry in the 11th arrondissement. The venue is now known as L’Atelier des Lumières, and it currently features a spectacular multimedia sound and light show on Vincent Van Gogh. “Starry Night” is a totally engrossing experience lasting about 30 minutes, with 120 digital projectors and more than 50 speakers immersing you in Vincent’s brilliant life and work. You can wander around the space or just sit on the floor or a bench and let it all wash over you. The stunning, ever-changing visuals are accompanied by music that has a genius all of its own: Janis Joplin, Giacomo Puccini, Miles Davis, Nina Simone — hearing Simone’s soulful version of “Please Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood” will give you goosebumps. Not to be missed.